💆🏾‍♀️ 4 Ways I Protect My Mental Health in Uncertain Times

5 min readNov 10, 2020

SOOO much has happened in 2020. I mean…it’s literally been a movie.

It’s very easy to feel anxious, discouraged, and hopeless with all that’s going on. I am an empath and find myself getting very emotional very quickly when I hear about all that’s happening in our country, across the world, in my home country Nigeria, with small children, poverty, and the list goes on.

In order to protect my mental and emotional health, I’ve implemented 4 strategies that have helped me to wake up full of joy and hope regardless of what’s going on in the world.

  1. I don’t watch the news. Yup. I don’t watch the news. My mom was over the other day and she wanted to watch CNN, MSNBC and all of that. She had to show me where to go to find it (Pluto App lol) because I had no idea. Actually, I haven’t watched the news in a few years actually and I haven’t missed out on anything significant as a result. For me, it’s 24/7 negativity because that’s what sells. If there’s anything I want to know, I’ll do my own research and speak with people who I know are in the know. Anything I need to know that’s super important or urgent (not many things fit this category) my husband will share with me (he reads articles, doesn’t watch the news much either) or my sisterfriends will share it in our group chat. (Note — I am not oblivious to what is going on in our world. When it comes to current events or a topic I’m interested in, I decide how I want to approach it and learn about it. I control the intake.)
  2. I don’t scroll on social media. I stopped scrolling on Instagram maybe late 2019 and stopped scrolling on FB in September I believe. It’s done me a world of good. I did so initially because I struggled with comparison and needed to keep my eye on my own paper. Another benefit has been filtering out the noise and commotion that comes with the ability for people to share whatever they desire. I have gone to visit select pages here and there over the year of my favorite leaders (Jackie Hill and Chandler Moore) or long time friends, but you won’t catch me on an evening scrolling on IG. It just wont happen lol. You may be thinking, I’m missing out on alot of updates from friends, but I’m not. I don’t believe in using IG to keep tabs on people’s lives. If I’m supposed to know something, that friend would have told me. If we’re not close enough for them to have told me, then I don’t need to know. There’s nothing I would miss in the lives of the ones that matter most to me that I wouldn’t receive in a text message, Facetime, or phone call. I no longer feel like I need to know everything that’s going on in everyone’s lives.
  3. I anchor my faith on Jesus. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I take His words very seriously. He’s said a lot of amazing thing, but one thing that keeps me really anchored in times like this is “I have overcome the world (John 16:33)” (Full verse — “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”) Knowing that come what may, He’s got it and that He knows the beginning from the end, brings forth a peace that passes all understanding. Imagine an earthquake is happening and a building is falling apart and you’re holding onto this load-bearing pillar. The building may crumble around you, but you come out alive (with maybe a few bruises lol) because you were holding on to the only sturdy & unmovable thing in the room.That’s how I see it. This mindset has really blessed me. When I’m down or distraught, I come back to this and I am encouraged.
  4. I double down on my purpose work. I have the pleasure of working with Black professional women helping them uncover their purpose, land their dream jobs, close the wage gap, and live fulfilling lives. I have limited time on this earth to do this work. In addition, I’m called to impact my husband, my kids, followers online, mentees, family, etc. I don’t have time to spend a whole lot of time worrying and distracted. There’s too much to do. I want to leave this earth knowing I left everything out on the stage. Will there be tough days, absolutely, but I try to turn what would have been a tough day, into just a tough moment. I try not to dwell. I acknowledge, then encourage, and keep going.

(Even if you don’t know your purpose, whatever you’ve got in front of you, do it with all your might & to the best of your ability. Action begets clarity.)

Bonus — Spend time with the people you love most. I’ve been texting my loved ones more, and just leaning into my relationships, savoring them and enjoy them because frankly tomorrow is not promised. I’ve found so much joy and happiness in this simple act.

By implementing these 5 things, I have been able to experience true peace and joy. Life isn’t perfect, and there’s alotttt going on in our world, but Jesus literally told me to take heart for He has overcome the world so I’m going to take His advice.

I hope you do too ❤

Isimemen Aladejobi is a career & business growth strategist, salary gap slayer, and transformational leader. She works primarily with Black professional women to help them land their dream jobs, build their dream businesses and live a life of impact. You can learn more about her work here — Website

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Business & Career Growth Strategist | Helping Black women land their dream jobs, build their dream businesses, and live rich fulfilling lives | @isimemena